…place, where steam lives

Příští akce:

Mašinky a hračky ve Výtopně Jaroměř

17. 8. - 18. 8. 2024

Další ročník již tradiční akce. Opět přijede zahradní parní železnice, na které se budete moci svézt, výtvory z LEGO kostek, Merkur, Kovap, papírové modely a další mašinky a hračky.

Mašinky a hračky ve Výtopně Jaroměř
Zprávy z výtopny:

Železnice v Jaroměři - VII. a VIII. Velká Válka

23. 12. 2023

Hodinu po půlnoci dne 26. července 1914 obdržela železniční stanice Josefov-Jaroměř telegrafické sdělení o vyhlášení mobilizace v rakousko-uherské monarchii. Od následujícího dne panoval na nádraží nebývalý shon. Osobní vlaky byly omezeny na úkor nákladních, které přivážely vojenský materiál. Zbylé osobní vlaky přijížděly přeplněné s příslušníky josefovských pluků. 28. července, v den vyhlášení války Srbsku, byl vypraven první vlak s vojskem na frontu, vezl švadronu 7. dragounského pluku.

Odjezd padesátiletých z jaroměřské zastávky do Dvora Králové nad Labem k odvodu v roce 1915.

Revisit with us the time when steam dominated the railways. The museum is located in former steam depot, which was used for steam locomotives since 1901. Here you will find steam and internal combustion locomotives, some made in the age of Habsburg Empire, but also younger from the 1980s. In addition to the locomotives, the exhibition consists of various passenger and freight carriages and other rail vehicles. You will also find railway signals and many other small or large items used in rail transport. Find out more about the life in steam depot and about control of the railways. Our museum also organizes a number of nostalgic rides during the season, not only with steam locomotives. Various events are also held here.

Museum opening hours

January to March closed, visits can be arranged
April to June Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
July and August daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
September and October Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
November and December closed, visits can be arranged

Entrance fees

Basic (adults) 120 CZK
Discounted (children from 6 to 15 years, students to the age of 26, retirees, disabled) 80 CZK
Halved (children from 3 to 6 years) 60 CZK
Children under 3 Free of charge
Family ticket (2 adults + up to 3 children under 15) 220 CZK

Booking tours

If you are interested in a tour of the railway museum past the opening hours, or if you are planning an excursion with an organized group, please contact us using the email or phone number below. Tours are not limited to a minimum number of people, we do them even for one visitor. Minimum admission past opening hours is 440 CZK per group. Tour contact person:

Pavel Černý prohlidky@vytopnajaromer.cz

Where to find us

The railway museum "Výtopna Jaroměř" is located in the former steam depot next to the Jaroměř railway station in direction of Hradec Králové. From the station you can reach us by path along the mechanical signals exhibiton. The direction to the museum is also marked on the tourist signpost in front of the station.